Saturday, February 19, 2011

There Was Something In The Air That Night...

One more slight schedule change is that my Polish class on Wednesdays is actually 11:40AM until 2:05PM. Everything else is about the same. I don't care so much how Monday through Thursday alters since having Fridays off is something I wish to keep. ;-)

Other recent developments include noticing differences with sweet potatoes/yams. The ones I had today (they are still hard to find - must be the season - since there tend to be very few and tucked into a more exotic produce section at times; they also tend to be more pricey of fruits and vegetables and because they are the "exotic" of the supermarket - even though the sign said they are from Poland - they are usually in places with bigger produce sections and have very few to offer that tend to not look so great - thin, small, dirty, old, damaged, etc.) were darker-skinned than I usually have (somewhat red wine-color), but lighter in flesh (almost yellowy-orange - close to a creamsicle maybe). The taste and texture were pretty much the same as normal.

I received some info from Gosia about postage and mail, so I hope to be able to use the post office soon! It is supposed to be VERY cold the next couple of days at least, so I will see how much I will be able to go outside without freezing my face off and making my nose soak. I checked the movies available at the theatre and not much is out that I would see, so I may hold off on that. The weather only limits my outdoor activity since I tend to try my best at figuring out Metro, tram, bus, etc. lines to make it to farther places without having to be out in bad weather. I still have a lot left to do and to see, so I am excited about all of the options and the idea of checking off some every few days.

Tonight I am catching up on reading and "Community." Maybe I will try to work on my Polish, too. :-P I wonder if sleeping to Polish recordings would miraculously make me improve at speaking and at understanding? One can dream.

Dobranoc. :-*

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