Thursday, February 10, 2011



Last night I went out with some people on the program. We met with some other students - some American and others not - and I saw a Polish flat, a really pretty club near the Palace of Culture and Science, and a kebab stand (boys on the program recommend the spicy chicken kebabs there but it was late so I did not have any). By the time we made it back it was not too late but VERY cold. The kind of cold that makes your fingers and hands ache. :-/ At least it was nice spending time with other program kids and seeing more of the city. I also could sleep in a bit since I have only one class and a film viewing today in a short time.

In terms of classes, I have books only for my Polish class ("HURRA!! PO POLSKU 2") and the "Survival Polish" script from when I was with the Beginners. They are neat; one is a textbook and one is a workbook:
Sorry for the blurriness - I tried to enlarge the image I could find. The workbook looks about the same and they come with audio CDs - reminds me of my old books for French courses
We just had an assignment that mentioned Polish celebrities and I recognized a couple from my grandma's (Babcia's) satellite TV. :-P I also have a very large, blue binder full of readings for my Jews in Poland class.

Recent food trials = I tried a no-sugar-added - so considered "100% fruit" with maybe just juice added? - strawberry jam with actual strawberry chunks earlier that was pretty good. I am also having some water - gazowana that was more unintentional but still good:
Other brands I have had include Laguna Bialy (affectionately called the Laguna Beach water by some of us US'ers)

I also pulled something that smelled of death from the sink drain. So fun! :-D ... Now I have to head to class soon.

Happy Thursday. :)


  1. Hi, is it possible to find Hurra Po Polsku 1 (student's book, work book and CD) in Warsaw, Krakow or Bielsko?, do you know about a book store where I can find it?, Thank you thank you very much it has been so hard to find it in Madrid :( I have called at least to a 3 book stores and no luck. Thank you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. My materials were bought at an academic bookstore close to my school; I gave money to my professor (since she has a teacher discount) and she bought everything in Warsaw here:
    Filia w Alejach Niepodległości

    Aleja Niepodległości 145
    02-555 Warszawa
    tel./fax. 22 848 52 83

    There are others locations of these academic bookstores (many around Warsaw), which you can see on their website:

    I hope this helps! I also know of a Polish bookstore in Chicago that carries these instruction books in the USA.
