Saturday, February 12, 2011

Cooler Than Being Cool? Ice. Cold.

The weather can be pretty fickle sometimes... I was tempted to go outside because of the blue sky and sunshine visible from my window. Once I did make it outdoors, the wind picked up and it was very cold. Burrr. I wore comfy jeggings to keep my legs warm and bundled up as much as possible. :-/

Ever have one of those days where there is so much you could do and almost end up not doing very much because of it? I felt that way today because I could not make up my mind over what I wanted to do. Once I went outside, I scrapped all possibilities that would involve too much time walking outdoors. :-P Public transportation can be a godsend. I am especially grateful for the 90-day passes us CIEE program students purchased. I was even checked on the tram today for the first time (cards are needed to enter the Metro, but buses and trams I had never been checked on until today). When it became quite cold I decided to head back to finish checking out the mall, Galeria Mokotow. :) I think I am having a love affair with it. :-P I basically walked the entire place, seeing the food court and other restaurants/cafes (American chains must be nicer here on purpose. And there was a placed called Wiking that had a weird smell, somewhat fishy. I saw a ton of Asian and salad places that looked good, too), glanced into the Sephora, American Bookstore - too soon to buy books - and tea store (CUTE tea accessories), and went through Empik (similar to Borders) and a cute kid's/toy store. A small store with Asian foods was a bit disappointing and there was another store that had a lot of interesting and imported foods. I looked at the movies playing at the cinema and was not too excited to see any of them really ("Away We Go" with John Krasinski is actually here now... The only two that struck me as more watchable were "The King's Speech" and "Love and Other Drugs.") I bought some more groceries (heehee, I quite enjoy this big Carrefour; even heard people speaking English and Japanese (maybe?) while there) including SWEET POTATOES (almost took a picture of them in the produce section) and a plug-in tea kettle so I can heat up water in my room (I miss having a microwave though :-/ ). There was so much beautful clothes, shoes, bags... window-shopping can be fun. When I left the mall, the snow was coming down somewhat hard and in large flakes. Again, the weather being a tease, it seemed almost nice once I made it on my bus (after waiting a bit) and off when heading inside my dorm. What can you do?

Tomorrow will probably involve laundry. Yuck doing laundry, but yay once I have clean clothes (too bad I will not have the fun after-dryer warmth). :-P I had found Christmas lights in my dorm room, but they did not seem to be working when I plugged them in to an extension power-strip... Hmm.

Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey: Rambings & Observations Made by Me
-I think the amount of older people I see here might be a good sign. Seeing only young people might mean that a lot of people do not make it to old age. Even heard a lady on a Metro platform who sounded identical to my great-grandmother. That was weird.

-I see so many dogs here. Also what they leave behind... but maybe it is done because my Mom always said that stepping in dog you-know-what means good luck for Poles. I am not sure what to believe.

-American food chains must be putting more effort into their ventures abroad; it seems that the menus and establishments are much nicer here and pretty popular (except I heard Taco Bell did not work out so well).

-Now that I have found my sweet potatoes, not sure what else Poland is missing... maybe certain clothing stores? A lot of the ones I have seen here seem nicer anyway.

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