Thursday, March 31, 2011

The Rain Will Pass

Aaa, kotki dwa,
szarobure obydwa,
jeden duży, drugi mały
oba mi się spodobały.

Aaa, kotki dwa,
szarobure obydwa,
nic nie będą robiły,
tylko ciebie bawiły.,149bed-aaa_kotki_dwa.html
This is actually from a website for small children/babies; this is a "song" or poem I actually remember my Mom and Babcia/grandma saying to me. I tried looking quickly for other familiar ones, but this one I know for sure.

The ballet last night was very good. Ballet does wonders to a man's body, but just makes women thin. The guys all seemed to have every bone and bit of lean muscle visible... I was a bit sleepy before the performance, so when the music was slow and the stage was darker, I became a bit sleepy and thought I could easily nod off to sleep. :-P There were some scenes our group labeled "homo-erotic" and even one where a guy danced in falling water. There were many, many dancers (several groups, costumes, dances, "story-lines among the dancers), choir-persons, and orchestra members in the performance. But, the ending was very bright, loud, and lively, which was good because it woke me up a bit before having to leave. Whenever I see ballet (such as after watching "Black Swan," I feel in the mood to replicate the moves, to stretch, to do yoga or Pilates, and to move about. Some people in my group even began to pretend to dance in the lobby. ;)

After the performance, I finished watching "Watchmen," which turned out to be very different than what I expected and I liked it a lot (how could I NOT like a film with an owl super hero? ;) )

No classes today, so I am relaxing and catching up on "How I Met Your Mother" right now. I may head out in a bit since the weather is so nice (low 60s with some sunshine).

And there is a new toilet paper rule being instated tomorrow; I guess each resident is allowed one roll per month; my sister asked if Communism is starting again when I told her about it. :-P

1 comment:

  1. Really....I have to send you toilet paper now.....that is silly!!!
    Those guys look so HOT!!
