Saturday, March 5, 2011

In A Big Country

Sadly, the weather today was not of the same quality as yesterday's. :( It was gray and cold and a bit wet outside. I decided it was another indoor activity kind of day. First, I headed to a museum in Stare Miasto (Old Town) and found out it is closed on Saturdays. :-/ Maybe tomorrow I will see it. :-P After that, the weather was so gross that I decided to just go to the movies. This meant going to the Multikino at Zlote Tarasy (yuck) since I did not see the main movie I was interested in seeing available at another cinema; the mall was busy as usual (maybe even more since it is Saturday and a bad weather-day). The movie theatre prices are probably close to prices of some American ones, except maybe a bit less than in big city multiplexes (so actually cheaper and there are not just child, but student, discounts). There are different prices depending on day/time and age; I tried to ask for a student price, but the girl at the box office gave me some issues about my student card's date (I think? I had told her I don't speak Polish well and ordered in Polish and then she said something about my card was bad that I did not understand) - which I think was just her not reading it correctly, but I don't know how to argue in Polish well enough, so I just paid normal price since I understood that part of what she said. I saw "The Adjustment Bureau," which was pretty good. The movie theatre is big and nice with a large screen and comfy seats with cup holders. The place is multi-level and even has bars and clubs inside, so it is very large. At this cinema, you are actually assigned seats - which I don't think ever happens in the US for films... - which remided me of seating being done on an airplane. Because of this, I actually was surrounded by people rather than using the "one stall" rule in America that always has people giving each other space in terms of seating in bathrooms or theaters - we Americans like our space and tend to give each other courtesy room. ;) My thoughts on the movie include: good chemistry between Damon and Blunt (she is lucky with all of her Boston Boys); YAY JOHN SLATTERY (wish he were used as much toward the end as in the beginning); and interesting characters (especially the agent who "watches" Damon's character). It was interesting just watching the movie and glancing at the subtitles to see words I knew or to try and learn new ones. The previews were better when showing English-language films because they were not dubbed, whereas everything from Poland did not have English sub-titles, of course. ;) :-P I headed back after the movie to a slippery, moist-aired city with light rain. I saw some dumb tween/teen girls on a tram who had beer and seemed drunk or just stupid; one fell down stairs by a Metro stop and another kept swearing before leaving the tram. Plans for tomorrow include museum visits and not sure what else.

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