Wednesday, January 5, 2011


I thought I would join the crowd of people who make blogs while abroad. I intend to keep a handwritten journal as well, but I know that typing out what happens will make me more likely to write. I think using the Internet will help increase my productivity somewhat since I think that I end up tiring my hands sooner with writing utensils than with keyboards. I don't embark on my adventure of sorts until the end of the month, but I might as well begin blogging as the process begins. Preparations have already started (appointments, shots, reading, almost packing...) and others have already left!

I usually do not compose strict New Year's Resolutions, but I thought I would give more general ideas of what I wish to do or wish to continue doing:

1. Stay healthy - keep eating quality foods (especially vegetables, clean foods, and proper nutrients) and keep staying active. I want to make sure to walk a lot, do yoga and Pilates, and work on other fun activities - which include swimming, tennis, skating, and whatever else strikes my interest. I really don't want to keep being the quitter that I am, but to continue what I enjoy - especially yoga and wandering about. ;) Exercise makes me feel good. I have felt tired and drained lately, but making my blood pump does give me boosts physically and emotionally.

2. Start cooking more - I need to make use of the cookbooks I own and recipes I've checked out online. Looking at recipes and pictures of dishes/snacks/meals online can be one activity, but actually making what I look at is something different. I received two great cookbooks as Christmas gifts and I want to actually make recipes for them.

I tend to be more about food assembly - what can be done quickly and easily - since I begin meal preparation for myself once I am already feeling hungry. Instead, I hope to explore the recipes in the books that I have rather than eating the same sorts of meals and foods.

3. Write down what happens - I heard that Sharon Osbourne tries to make journaling a resolution each year and I found that to be a good idea. I may be "young," but I tend to forget a lot of what happens day-to-day. So, I will make a point to really write down the important moments and the mundane ones, but particularly the meaningful.

4. Stay connected to family and friends - this includes spending time together in-person or online (Skype, email, Facebook, etc.)

5. READ - I need to make sure that I save time to read everyday. I feel terrible when it takes me so long to finish a book. Committing myself to read more than just quick magazines is important. I am good about keeping my Shelfari account up-to-date, but I actually would like to add completed books rather than just ones that were purchased.

6. Whatever else comes up this year...

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